About us 
About us
Welcome To Election Works Inc.
Election Works commits to turn your problems into solutions. We are a full service election management company with more than 30 years of experience. Our vast experience in many areas of the election process has helped us to be better partners in the ever-changing world of elections.
We offer a complete line of election products and accessories including Election Supply Carriers (ESC’s), Early Voting Workstations, PollBook Workstations, Ballot Carriers and other specific need carts to store, transport and utilize election supplies required for the polling place. We have the capability and expertise to design, develop, and manufacture custom products to meet your specific election requirements. In addition, Election Works is the leading distributor of a full line of voting booths, including the Model 2000, All-Vote, Poll Star and the Twin Pak, which are compatible with virtually every type of voting system.
Election Works experienced staff and expansive range of products and services can provide solutions to meet the unique needs of voting officials. Some of our other services include: precinct kit assembly, training, equipment servicing and maintenance. Also, available are standard polling place supplies which include flags, signs, sanitary earphone covers, stickers, optical scan pens, anti-static bubble bags, seals, sheet protectors and much more.